A freshly installed server or DNSmanager is already installed


When you install DNSmanager and IPmanager on the same server you don't need to integrate them. 

  1. If the server is clean, you need to installDNSmanagerand make the initial installation;


    DNSmanager and IPmanager should work with the same DNS server: BIND or PowerDNS.

  2. Create a user in DNSmanager. IPmanager will store the reverse domain zones in the namespace of this user;
  3. Install IPmanager. Find out more in the article Installation of IPmanager;
  4. Add the ViewName parameter to the IPmanager configuration file (/usr/local/mgr5/etc/ipmgr.conf):

    echo "ViewName <namespace>" >> /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ipmgr.conf

    <namespace> — specify the namespace of DNSmanager user.

  5. Restart IPmanager:

    /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m ipmgr exit

If IPmanager is already installed


When you install DNSmanager and IPmanager on the same server you don't need to integrate them. 

Step 1. Control panel setup

  1. Install and make the initial installation ofDNSmanager.

    Please note!

    DNSmanager and IPmanager should work with the same DNS server: BIND or PowerDNS.

  2. Create a user in DNSmanager. IPmanager will store the reverse domain zones in the namespace of this user;
  3. Add the ViewName parameter to the IPmanager configuration file (/usr/local/mgr5/etc/ipmgr.conf):

    echo "ViewName <namespace>" >> /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ipmgr.conf

    <namespace> — specify the namespace of DNSmanager user.

Step 2. DNS server configuration

If you use BIND:

  1. Allow editing of the DNS server configuration file:
    1. CentOS: /etc/named.conf
    2. Debian: /etc/bind/named.conf
  2. Replace the line from:

    view "default" {


    view "<namespace>" {

    <namespace> — specify the namespace of DNSmanager user.

  3. Replace the match-destinations and transfer-source parameters in the "view" field:

    match-destinations { <user IP address>; };
    transfer-source <user IP address>;
    <user IP address> — address of DNSmanager user. You can check it in DNSmanager → Accounts → Users → Change → IP address field.

If you use PowerDNS:

  1. Dump the PowerDNS database:

    mysqldump <database name> > <database path>
    <database name> — PowerDNS is for CentOS,pdnsis for Debian

    <database path> — full path to dump

  2. Create the database

    CREATE DATABASE <database name>

    <database name> — space with the DNSmanager user names which was created on the first stage second step. Replace the dot in the namespace to "_". For example, if the namespace is called "example.test", then the database should be "example_test".

  3. Transfer the data from the dump into the created database:

    mysql <database name> < <dump path>

    <database name> — was created on the second step.

    <dump path> — was created on the first step.

Step 3. Verification

  1. Restart IPmanager

    /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m ipmgr exit
  2. Make sure that IPmanager and DNSmanager work fine.