You can create a Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Edition OS template based on the Windows Server 2019 template from the ISPsystem repository. To do this:

  1. Enter TemplatesOS Templates.
  2. If the location does not have the Windows Server 2019 template, download it: Download ISPsystem template → select Windows Server 2019 → Upload template.
  3. Create a new copy of the Windows Server 2019 template: menu-horizontal.png menu → Copy → enter the template NameCopy.
  4. Connect to the location server via SSH.
  5.  In the files /opt/ispsystem/dci/os_templates/<Template_copy_name>/Unattend.xml и /opt/ispsystem/dci/os_templates/<Template_copy_name>/UnattendEFI.xml, replace

    <MetaData wcm:action="add">


    <MetaData wcm:action="add">