In the section MarketingMass mailing, you can create and manage news and marketing mailing. They are created only for certain client segments. Learn more in the article Client segments. There are three types of mass mailing: email, sms, and notifications in BILLmanager. Messages are generated based on pre-defined templates. Learn more in the article Message templates. You can send mass mailing manually or automatically by a schedule. 

How to create mass mailing

Go to Marketing Mass mailing Create and perform the following steps.

Step 1. Notification type

  1. Select a Notification type.
  2. Select a Client segment.
  3. Click on Next.

Step 2. Message

  1. Select a Notification template.
  2. Enable the option Send notifications to unsubscribed users to send email or sms newsletters to unsubscribed clients.


    Sending advertising messages using this option may disturb user rights according to your local law. 

  3. In User language select the localization. Learn more in the article LocalizationSelect "Any" to send the message to all users.
  4. Specify the Return address for email messages that will receive responses from customers.
  5. Specify the Repeat delivery  of notifications in days if you want to send them periodically. Leave the field blank to send the mass mailing only once.
  6. Enable the option Send now to send the mass mailing right after creation. Disable the option to send notifications later manually or automatically on a schedule. 
  7. Enable the option Activate. The mailing will be sent automatically at 03:00 by the server time. Inactive mailing can be sent only manually.
  8. Enter the Heading of the mailing.
  9. Enter the Summary that will be displayed on the list of notifications in BILLmanager 6.
  10. Enter the Text of the summary that will be sent to customers.
  11. Click on Check to send a test mail and enter the Test email. Click on Check.
  12. Click on Save. If you enabled the option Send now, click on Save and send.

Notifications in the client area

To send a notification to the client in client area:

  1. Place the text of the message in advance in SettingsMessage templatesEmails in the Notifications moduleTemplatesMessage from provider template.
  2. Enter MarketingMass mailingAdd.
  3. Select Notification template from the Provider's message menu.
  4. In the newsletter, specify the subject of the message in the Summary field.

You can copy the text from the Notification text field and duplicate it in the message template. This will allow it to be used again in the future.

How to manage mass mailing 

Use special buttons in the section to manage your mass mailing and monitor its statuses.

Click on Enable and Disable  to activate or suspend the displayed for active mailing and is displayed for inactive mailing in the Status column. 

Click on Users to view a list of clients who will receive the mailing. 

Click on Sent to view a list of clients who have already received the mailing. 

Click on Archive to send the mailing to the archive which contains outdated mailing that you may need later. 

Click on Archive to switch to the archive mode. You can edit or delete archived mailings, and view the clients who have received them. 

In the Progress column, you can see the mass mailing status in format A(B)/C.

А the number of messages generated by the billing system;

B the number of clients who received the messages. It can be less than the number of generated ones. Eg: mass mailing is not sent to clients who have not verified their email addresses;

C  the total number of clients in the segments that you selected for this mass mailing.

Sending mass mail through the terminal

The cron job send_notification sends mass mailing to customers. By default, it is sent once a day at 03:00 (server time). You can execute the cron job send_notification manually:

/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/billmaintain --command send_notification >/dev/null 2>&1