
There are no available tariff plans to order, or one or more tariff plans are not displayed.


This situation may occur in case:

  • the tariff does not have a price set for at least one period. Check in ProductsTariff plans → select the tariff plan → Edit. For the tariff to be considered active, set at least one period to 0 or higher;
  • the account template specified in the tariff plan settings does not exist on the processing module's side or is specified incorrectly (e.g. in Cyrillic);
  • no free servers of the selected configuration are available on the processing modules for such services as "Dedicated server". Read more in Operating principles of DCImanager module.
  • the processing module is connected under a user with insufficient permissions;
  • no processing module is connected;
  • the connected processing module is disabled. Enable the processing module in the menu IntegrationProcessing modules → select the processing module → Enable;
  • the connected processing module is not available from the server with the BILLmanager platform. To check if the processing module is available:
    1. Connect to the server with the platform via SSH.

    2. Check the availability of the URL of the platform with which the integration is configured:


      The URL must be copied completely from the URL field under IntegrationProcessing modules → select a processing module → click EditIntegration settings.

      curl -I -k -L -v <>

      <> — URL of the platform with which the integration is configured